Goleta Chamber Supports City Council DRB Vote
An email from Kristen Amyx, President & CEO, Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce
I wanted to alert you to something that needs our attention - this past Monday, March 19th, the Goleta City Council took a huge step forward in addressing the most volatile issue that has effected Goleta in the past few years -- private property rights. After being elected in November, the Council quickly went to work on changing the planning process for single family homes, remodels, additions, 2nd stories and garage conversions. Working with the design review board, they proposed changes to streamline and correct the process for making changes to your private property.
The Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce is extremely pleased to see such swift, deliberate and well-thought-out leadership on this issue.
On Monday, the Council voted to immediately rescind the rule that homes may only be expanded by 50% of their existing square footage changing a policy that had become a flashpoint in the community. They also voted to change (this is an edited summary):Many, many Goletans will applaud the Council for fixing a broken system that put unnecessary burdens on homeowners; however, there are critics as well.
- size of the Design Review Board to 7 members (from 9)
- modify the 3-step approval process for projects so that 2 or more steps can be combined if warranted
- moved the point of appeal forward to the 2nd step
- priority of preparing a new sign ordinance
- Floor area ratio standards (FARS) from absolute standards to guides and decided to review further changes needed to FARs
- reduction to 10 foot setback along secondary front line (10 feet is twice the minimum setback width that is generally provided)
- Land Use Permits for discretionary projects no longer must be subject to notice and appeal.
So, please send your congratulations and thanks to the Councilmembers - by email, phone, fax or letter. You may also want to send a letter to the editor of your local paper. We don't want it to look like there is no support for the fine and reasonable work that the Council is doing. Don't let the vocal minority be the only voices heard by the Council or your neighbors.
Thank you in advance for taking just a moment to jot down your appreciation.
Kristen Amyx
P.S. Even if you do not live in the City of Goleta, it is important that support be given to those who are working to be a model City with property-rights protections for all.
P.P.S. Below is the picture and text from today's Goleta Valley Voice newspaper story on the issue. The photo associated with the story is of a house that is not in the City of Goleta. http://www.goletavalley.com/temp/07-03.19VVarticle.pdf
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