Monday, March 26, 2007

Citizen Questions Deputies In Goleta Arrest

Over at the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Blog (unofficial site and unofficial opinions), there is a post relating to a 'tirade from the Opinion Pages of the SB Independent on March 8th'.

It is unclear as to what took place, and 'Honor Adams' is wondering if perhaps someone could enlighten them.

Police Questioning
What, may I inquire, is the role of the police and sheriffs in Santa Barbara County? I won’t ask for verdicts out of court or recap details of an unfortunate encounter early last Friday morning on the streets of Goleta, but I will publicly question the role of the police. An arrest was made, and probably rightfully so, but the treatment of the arrested “victim of a beating” is subject to serious question. The police openly scoffed and taunted the beating victim. In the hospital he was apparently judged guilty by the police, led through public areas in boxer shorts, given no clothing for protection from the weather, and, with a concussion, was taunted when asked valid medical questions by the attending hospital staff.

Why are the police allowed to conduct themselves in this manner? Doesn't this bother anyone else? It bothers me and I'd like answers.
— John Williams

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