Friday, May 18, 2007

On The Web: Pineapple Pie's Second Home at the Beach

It's still hard for me to believe I live on the beach! But it is truly amazing to walk out of my dorm room and watch the waves of the pacific ocean. When I am having a bad day I just go sit on one of the cliffs and just watch the sunset... cheesy but you have no idea how much stress it let out to just watch the waves. My dorm room is in a perfect spot... With a view of the lagoon and campus it also sits within a 3 minute walk from the beach. Better yet it is right nect to Isla Vista (IV) the craziest college town in the nation. I love being able to walk through IV at 2am and see tons of people still up... some may be drunk but others are just walking around. People are so friendly here too... I missed out the first 2 quarters I was here because my life was so disorganized and It sucks that it took that long to realize how awesome UCSB is! Here are some pics:

Well at least one student has some appreciation for the beauty of the South Coast, and has a view of the ocean when she wakes up in the morning. Now, what about housing for those that live here year round and clean tables in restaurants, make the beds in hotel rooms, paint houses, etc.?

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