Thursday, March 15, 2007

Close To Home: UC Regents Buy Devereux

BlogaBarbara is reporting that the 33-acre Devereux Property was acquired today by the UC Regents according to an announcement that was sent out by UCSB Chancellor Henry T. Yang.

To read more, click here to visit BlogaBarbara.

What does this mean for development of this coastal property? UCSB continues to expand and now the Devereux Property will be developed without needing to adehere to local planning guidelines as it is now state property. Yang didn't discuss any plans other than have the property produce income so there is no additional financial burdern for UCSB. This will be something to keep a close eye on.

-Sara De la Guerra, BlogaBarbara

UPDATE: Click here to read Chancellor Yang's Memo to the Campus regarding the approval of the UC Regents for the acquisition of the Devereux property.


Anonymous said...

I'll assume that the moderator is a friedn of Goleta and isn't intentionally diverting attention from what our new Council is doing.

While UCSB buys Deveraux, our new council is taking up a proposal that will change the face of Goleta.

On Monday our new council will change the Design Review Guidelines. The worst is as follows:

Staff has recommended that single family home remodels be exempt from design review, as long as they meet zoning and setback requirements. And the neighbors don't even have to be notified.

So if you own a home in Goleta, and your neighbor wants to build a hideous addition that will invade your privacy or reduce the value of your neighborhood, you will be out of luck! No notice, no appeal either!

This Council majority SAY that they are for owner rights, but they really mean they will just let anyone do anything. What about the rights of neighborig owners? I guess they have NO rights. The question is, will anyone turn out to complain at Monday's council meeting?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone in Goleta even care? There have been wild fluctuations already in the traffic and impacts due to changes in uses at Devereux... Goletans never even noticed. Why give a hoot now?

Never heard Sara de la Guerra make a single comment to show she cared about Devereux either.

Goletans and others seem to think UCSB is some sort of backstop for Bishop developers. This purchase proves that UCSB has its own agenda, and IMO, a better one: stay out of Goleta's hair.

The Observer said...

"I'll assume that the moderator is a friedn of Goleta and isn't intentionally diverting attention from what our new Council is doing."

Certainly not trying to divert anything from what the Council is doing. Just keeping an eye on things that have an affect on residents of the Goleta Valley (both City and County portions).

We will certainly have coverage of everything the Council does, and we certainly welcome any and all comments about these things.

Anonymous said...

'We will certainly have coverage of everything the Council does, and we certainly welcome any and all comments about these things. '

Does Ampersand Publishing own the Goleta Observer?

The Observer said...

Does Ampersand Publishing own the Goleta Observer?

There is absolutely no affiliation with Ampersand Publishing.

I'm guessing by your comment, you've noticed the lack of coverage of last nights' council meeting in today's News-Press.

I haven't finished watching the council meeting to make any complete posting on it, however, from what I did watch, there are still issues of holding closed door 'study' sessions, residents don't want the 'let the citizens do what they want' type of building, and so forth.

Anonymous said...

Thanks and sorry

I didn't mean to insult. I was confusing your fine effort with the VV.

If this is Colby I noticed three bylines in the DS today. Hard worker. Go Utes!

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