Thursday, March 1, 2007

Citizen Sound Off: Bishop Ranch

What are your thoughts on what should happen with Bishop Ranch? Should it be developed? Should it remain as designated in the General Plan and be undeveloped open space? Here is your opportunity to sound off!


Anonymous said...

How can it remain as is? This is no different than the potential rezoning of Ag land throughout the County, What it comes down to is--- how much, how big, how expensive and how will the infrastructure support what is built there.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why they (Bishop Ranch owners) feel they have a right to insist (and sue for no less = blackmail) on a zoning change. They used to farm there and appearently made a living at it. Let someone else takeover if they don't want to farm anymore.

We all know it is about personal greed at the expense of the community will, as they could sell the land for much more if it was rezoned. Their black hearts were revealed in the underhanded fashion of donating to the election compaigns at the last minute... where their true identities and agenda would be hidden.

If the lawyers and sellouts have their way, I think we should get at least some sort of community center which includes some entertainment venues. Perhaps something like the Ventura Theater with live music acts and stage productions. You know, something for the existing community as eveything seems to revolve around high density "affordable housing". Why can't we expect some sort of return for our invested tax money rather than the steady degradation caused by the build out of open space in this beautiful semi rural valley?

Anonymous said...

Five members of the Keston family made 18 donations of between $900 and $999 for a total of $16,646 in the last 2 weeks of the campaign. Donations under $1,000 did not have to be reported within 24 hours, so the Keston donations were hidden until January, well after the election. It should be noted that Michael Keston heads the Larwin Company, based in Encino, that has plans to develop the Bishop Ranch, a 220 acre site between Los Carneros and Glen Annie, currently zoned for agriculture in the Goleta General Plan.

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