Friday, February 23, 2007

City of Goleta Public Hearings - Zoning Administrator

Hearing Location:
Goleta City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117

Hearing Date and Time:
March 8, 2007, 2:30PM

Public Hearing to Consider:

  • Cortona Partnership/Daketta Pacific Lot Line Adjustment at 6860 and 6868 Cortona Drive.
  • Sandpiper Golf Course Above-Ground Fuel Storage Tank at 7925 Hollister Avenue.
  • Biomechanics Light Industrial Addition at 75 Castilian Drive
  • South Coast Church as-built Trailer at 5814 Cathedral Oaks Road


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your efforts to facilitate the public's ability to obtain information about City of Goleta land use considerations/deliberations and those of its councilmembers.

Recommend you add the two Goleta sanitary district's agendas as well as the upcoming LAFCO hearing on the City of Santa Barbara's sphere of influence and the Eastern Goleta Valley

The Observer said...

Thank you for the input.

We've updated the Upcoming Events list. If there are any other ones that people would like to see listed, please let us know.

Anonymous said...

With the addition of the Board of SUpervisors agenda to your site, why don't you also add the county's planning commission agenda? This week there is a Goleta-related project which might be of some interest to your readers.

The Observer said...

Thanks for bringing that to our attention. It's been posted.

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